Coarse Material Washer RoSF13
Manufacturer: Huber Technologies
For separation of leaves, tree branches, etc. from coarse grained material (gravel, stones) through intensive washing and air scouring.
The HUBER Washing Drum separates the coarse material > 10 mm from the material to be treated. Depending on the nature of the raw material the fraction of the coarse material differs regarding composition and quantity. In case the treatment of coarse material has to be continued for better disposal it is possible to add coarse material washing as further process step to the RoSF5 grit treatment process.
With the help of the Coarse Material Washer the coarse material is separated into the "gravel" fraction and the "organics" fraction (leaves, twigs etc.). The coarse material is separated into light and heavy material fractions by using wash water and air. The circulating water pipe supplies the water required so that no additional water is necessary.
loss on ignition of the mineral fraction < 5 %
organic fraction can be composted
reduction of disposal costs
sturdy stainless steel make
manual control of water- and air additions possible