Manufacturer: Rheinhuette Pumps

Safety, Reliability, Flexibility and Economy are key factors when selecting centrifugal pumps for the conveyance of hazardous, corrosive or toxic fluids. Rheinhütte plastic pumps are among the best in the market. Over 150 years‘ experience in materials and pump technology ensure that your conveyance requirements are solved in the best possible way.
Standardized Chemical Pumps for the Most Demanding Applications - Rheinhütte plastic pumps are standardized pumps – they comply with DIN EN 22858 and ISO 2858. This means that in terms of their external and connection dimensions and performance data (differential height and quantity) they are interchangeable with every other standardized chemical pump of the same size. We can also offer you customized fluid conveyance equipment outside the standard which is designed for your particular conveyance requirement - increased efficiency with the same pump size.
From Pellets to the Pump: All Made in our own State of the Art Facility - The vertical integration of the manufacture of Rheinhütte plastic pumps enables us to offer a product which is optimally matched with individual requirements. Starting with the selection of the plastic pellets, all important components are manufactured in-house and processed to become sophisticated pump parts. A large number of details play an important part in the manufacturing process: workmanship, machines and designs are individually adapted. At the end of this process Rheinhütte plastic pumps meet all the requirements placed on standardized chemical pumps.
• Safe
UV light and mechanical forces often impair the working life of a plastic pump. Our solution: a robust metal casing (GGG 40.3) protects the volute casing and absorbs the forces and moments acting on the pump flanges due to pipe loads.
• Reliable
Rheinhütte mechanical seals remain fluid-tight even when handling difficult media. A sealing system capable of dealing with solids extends the working life of sensitive components. And the optimized design ensures that seals are easy to install.
• Versatile
The material and dimensions of Rheinhütte plastic pumps are specifically selected to meet your requirements. We have a range of 22 different pump sizes handling up to 2,500 m3/h to provide you with the optimal solution to your application. Depending on your requirements you can choose between PP, PE 1000, PVDF or PTFE.
• Robust
A robust bearing bracket ensures only minor deflection on the shaft and a long working life for the roller bearings and the mechanical seal – even when working at the limit of its capability.
• Optimized
Seals optimized for their flow and wear characteristics enable the pumps to handle media containing up to 30 % solids.
• Easy to Service
The process-oriented design enables wearing parts to be quickly and easily replaced
• Design: horizontal, single-stage
• Construction: back-pull-out design
• Casing design: single or double volute casing
• Impeller: semi-open
• Bearing lubrication: grease or oil lubrication
• Installation versions: base plate, base frame or stilt mounting
• Ambient temperature: -20°C to +60°C
• Solid content limit value: ca. 5 %
DesignStandardized Chemical Pump (ISO 2858, ISO 5199)
SizeDN 32 - DN 80
CapacityQmax. = 200 m3/h
HeadHmax. = 100 m
Temperature-50 °C to +190 °C
Nominal Pressure16 bar