Sludge Drying

Make sure of your disposal way!
 HUBER Solar Active Dryer SRT with HUBER Sludge Turner SOLSTICE®
The innovative, season-independent solar dryer
 HUBER Belt Dryer BT
The flexible middle temperature solution to your drying problem
 HUBER Disc Dryer RotaDry®
Partial contact drying of sewage sludge for recycling in fluidized bed incineration plants
The disposal of sewage sludge is becoming increasingly difficult. Regional disposal options, such as agricultural application, will steadily decrease in the future.

The disposal option of spreading sewage sludge on agricultural land is more and more restricted. The consumers’ acceptance of agricultural products is on the decrease. The result is much longer transport ways to available disposal facilities. Only dried sewage sludge allows for economical and environmentally compatible transport. Furthermore, dried sewage sludge is a much sought-after energy source with a positive CO2 balance.
The solution:
Sewage sludge drying reduces transport and disposal costs and contributes therefore to sustainable resource preservation. Dried sewage sludge is an energy carrier of the future.
Our experience for your benefit. HUBER sewage sludge drying systems. A module for your disposal concept.